Saturday 29 August 2009

Toronto After Dark 2009 - Canadian Shorts

The Toronto After Dark Film Festival has been a great believer and supported of short films - in particular Canadian ones. Though I missed the International Shorts program this year, I did catch all the Canadian shorts that screened before each of the feature films I saw. Some of my favourites follow, but unfortunately only one of them is the complete film - the others are just trailers, but hopefully they will whet your appetite.

Captain Coulier (Space Explorer) - Canadian space explorer on a low budget. His to-do list is as follows:

1. Discover planet
2. Find love
3. Quit drugs
4. Stop hating yourself

That should give you an idea of the humour. The trailer below isn't from the actual short film we saw, but the tone is the same.

Hirsute - I love time travel as a construct for stories and this is a great example of finding a fresh way to work with it. What happens when you meet your future self and he's arrogant, smarmy and hairless? The full 13 minute film can be found here. The trailer has a sampling:

Becoming - An amazing look film with an opening tracking shot along a stream that is just stunning. The wordless story is pretty great too, though it's more of a dance/fight. You may think twice before messing with Mother Nature after seeing this. Or even gardening...

Git Gob - One and a half minutes of complete silliness. You can't argue with that. Enjoy the full film below:

Danse Macabre - Equal both in its beauty and disturbing quality, "Danse Macabre" recently won an award at the Worldwide Short Film Festival for its depictions of the last "death dance" that a human body might go through...

Next Floor - Winner of the best short film at Cannes. The trailer doesn't give much away, so I probably shouldn't either. A table full of aristocratic types gorge continuously on all manner of food being rolled in by a dedicated wait staff. Consequences follow...

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